Tosa Tales

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Decisions, decisions...

Why can't any decision be easy? This wedding stuff is made a little more difficult with everyone spread out through the midwest. Just when you decide to have an event, like a bridal shower, it's then a big deal WHERE the shower is held.

Do I even need a bridal shower? What is their purpose anyway. Women get together, play some silly games, and give the bride gifts. Many people just pick things that are on the wedding registry anyway so why make people give you 2 gifts? Maybe I am against it because I'd much rather be behind the scenes than front and center. *sigh*

B and I have made up after our battle of wills on Easter weekend. A little explosion I had on Saturday broke the tention and things are better. I need to stop bottling things up and just let them out. I sometimes tip-toe around an issue because I never know how B will react. Or, I know he will react in a bad way and I hate confrontations. I avoid them at all costs. B is the same way. This does not make our relationship easy sometimes. But - is any relationship easy?


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