Tosa Tales

Friday, April 15, 2005

Some things don't change... Some do

Wednesday was B's 30th birthday. No party, no big harrah. To him, it's just another day. WELL! I can't let that happen! Not that I do anything really bad. I just bought some brownies and and B's favorite cookies and sent out an email to many of his co-workers. Pretty tame. I feel the same way about my birthday but it's still nice for someone to do something special for you.

We are also going out to dinner with friends on Saturday. There is a local steakhouse that is difficult to get reservations at. B's always wanted to go but never has. It helps that another friend's bday is later in April and she is more than happy to go out and celebrate. Takes a little bit of the spotlight off B which makes him happy.

I'm not sure how much he liked his gifts. I had to beg him to open some in the morning before we left for work. Litterally jumping up and down, begging him to open at least one gift. Hey, it got him laughing... There were some minor gifts that I knew he wanted and I got him a really nice pair of cuff links. Also something he wanted. Lukewarm reaction from him but that is typical. I think only a new Harley would get a dramatic reaction out of him.

I am determined to firm up my flabby body! I've gone so far as hiring a trainer/drill sergeant to keep me in line. Little England and I get along really well. We sometimes spend more time laughing during our sessions than working out. After my first session, it took me 4 days to recover. I am really out of shape. Last time we did lunges. Later we started doing these crunches that required my body to bend in a way that it doesn't naturally. I am NOT limber. Never have been. After Lil' England saw demonstrations of how NOT limber I am, she said, "We shouldn't have done the lunges." Great! I'll be lucky if I'm not crippled for the next week (*whine*).

I discovered a new neighbor. I met a new co-worker, Auzzie. Very nice and fun to talk to. Turns out that she live in the village. I didn't ask where exactly she lived since some people could possibly find that stalker-ish. I happened to mention this newcomer to Joo (another fellow Tosa dweller at work) and she had already discovered that Auzzie lived on my street. So, next time I talked to Auzzie, I asked where she lived in Tosa. She is just a block away! I will have to get to know her better. It's fun to have a friend so close by.


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