Tosa Tales

Monday, May 02, 2005

Back to the Grind

No postings last week. I was in training and the trainers insisted on laptops down. This is a term widely used at my business because we are generally overworked people. Everyone brings their laptops to meetings and does other work or checks emails instead of paying attention to the meeting. To avoid this, some meeting organizers (or trainers) will insist on 'laptops down'. In this case it meant that class will not begin until everyone has closed their laptop and the entire class will stare at you until you do. I support the practice but it can be rather annoying when you are in the middle of a instant message chat and can't cut it off right away.

I was sooooo ready to get back to work by Friday. I have a single cube that I don't share with anyone. If one of my neighbors gets loud or is making annoying noises, I can pull out the headset and block them out. Not so during training. I get to listen to all these people munching on snacks, sniffling, whispering, etc. In case you haven't already guessed, I get easily annoyed by certain noises. At the top of the list is hearing other people eat. I think it's gross and would like to shoot the parent that didn't teach their child to eat with their mouth closed. This is especially common among cultures outside of the US.

I sometimes have to force myself not to say anything. After all, these people are strangers to me. I can deal with it for a week, right? When we wrapped up class on Friday, I couldn't wait to get out of there. I went home for some peace and quiet and then worked out to release some tention. Much better!

Friday night B, Doggie & I went to Yappy Hour at a local art gallery. They were raising funds for off leash dog parks in the Milwaukee area. They had free drinks, snacks for human and canines and lots of other dogs and owners to chat with. It was a fun event but Doggie was on sensory overload. Usually when she is around so many dogs she is not on a leash and can flit around and socialize with all the dogs. Instead she was leashed and kept darting every which way to check out all the other dogs.

The rest of the weekend revolved around working on the house. We did have a nice dinner with friends on Saturday. Grilled out (even though the temperature dropped and it was freezing out) and made kabobs that turned out really good. Stayed up later than planned chatting with friends and drinking wine. This did not help the early workout on Sunday but it was worth it.

Well, time to get to work.


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