Tosa Tales

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What's the real reason?

A friend said something last night to me that made me think... Some girlfriends of mine gather together about once a month to watch Sex in the City. We are making our way through the entire series so it's an evening filled with good food, good drink and fun TV. There is an episode in Season 1 about baby showers. A friend of the SITC gang got married, moved to the burbs and is pregnant. The gang is not happy about trekking outside the city for a baby shower of all things.

I happen to feel the same way about showers as the SITC gang. They are not my idea of fun. I made a comment about my similar feelings and my friend (a new mom) said that I don't like baby showers because I want a baby of my own. Maybe it was the tone of her voice or the look she gave me but it got me thinking. Is this the reason? Looking back, I've never liked baby showers even before I had any desire to have a baby. I always thought the reason was because I loath the stupid games they make you play and I am usually thrown together with a group of women I don't really know.

I still couldn't get this out of my head. I even consulted B's opinion when I got home. He didn't see the logic in my friend's comment which made me feel better. However, I started wondering if her comment stemmed from something else. Guess I'll never really know unless I ask her (which I probably won't).


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