Tosa Tales

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Family Fun!

The weekend went well. B's parents and my mom came up for a visit. Went for a nice steak dinner on Saturday night, played in the garden on Sunday and grilled pizza's for dinner. Monday was departure day. B's parents left early and mom and I went shopping. A quick trip to Pottery Barn turned into a 4 hour shopping trip. Luckily mom spent way more money than I did.

B's mom has been stressed taking care of some kids so she enjoyed a relaxing weekend of being pampered and taking naps (I'm a big fan of naps myself). Mom and I shopped. Bought some plants for the garden finally along with some herbs. Then spent Sunday afternoon planting. The weather was nice this weekend so we didn't get stuck inside much.

I love my mom but let's just say she dominated most of the conversations this past weekend. I don't think B's mom talked much this weekend. My mom did most of the talking. I now know where I get my habbit of telling a story for every situation. For example, someone is talking about a bad experience flying. I then must tell everyone about my bad experience flying. Mom does the same thing.

The down side about this weekend was that we didn't get any farther along on the tiling. It's still not done. Ugh! The extra time I had on Monday was spent preparing for the Rummage Sale on Saturday. I'm getting rid of any duplicate stuff, old stuff we don't use and crap that will hopefully be replaced by nice stuff through wedding gifts. There is more stuff I'd like to purge but B wants to hold on to it. I may just sneak a few things in and hope he doesn't notice. :)