Tosa Tales

Monday, February 02, 2009


Our vacation is officially BOOKED! B and I will soon (but not soon enough) be enjoying the hot weather, beaches and waters of Mexico. I should be extremely happy but now I'm anxious. It's not exactly what either of us wanted...we are both compromising. I also have this sinking feeling that something is going to go wrong. Our flight will get delayed or we will have a nightmare of a trip from the airport to the hotel or our reservation will get lost or one of us will get sick/injured. All of these things have happened on previous vacations. Usually I'm the optimistic one but I can't seem to stop seeing disaster on the horizon. B's pesimistic vibes are rubbing off.

I also feel like I have a lot riding on this trip. I know that sounds ridiculous. In the grand scheme of things, a vacation isn't a big deal. But focusing my anxiety on this vacation keeps my mind off other things I could easily start worrying about (I won't bother to list them all).

I think there is still some residual guilt on my part because the last 3 or 4 vacations we have taken were to destinations of my choice, visiting my friends or family. I did give him a chance to plan a trip last fall but he couldn't decide on a destination so we didn't go anywhere. This adds to the anxiety. If this trip doesn't go well, B won't want to go on a vacation ever again. If B enjoys himself, many other vacation opportunities open up.

It's been many years since I've gone somewhere hot in the middle of winter. Every year I think about it but something comes up or the location we go to isn't as warm as I was hoping it would be. I also know B isn't a huge fan of sitting on a beach or water activities so I haven't really pushed the idea.

This year, the extreme cold weather and snow have changed that. I need to thaw out and soak up some sun. Also, baby #2 will make travel that much harder for many years to come. This may be our last change to escape to a warm climate for a long while. It's hard enough to leave my baby behind and I know it will get even worse when there are 2 of them.

I would have preferred to bring Miss M with us but I know it will be more difficult to travel with a toddler in the middle of her Terrible Twos. She definitely prefers her life to run on a schedule (like most kids) and gets testy when something changes. I also know B prefers to vacation without the limited schedule of a toddler. Leaving her at home is one of my compromises.

I just hope I don't compromise so much that I don't enjoy my vacation too.


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