Tosa Tales

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Support Group

There are more pregnant ladies out there than I realized. Through the grapevine I discovered that there are some other ladies at work that are early in their pregnancies and haven't really announced it to the world yet. While talking to one preggo (CC) we thought it would be fun to go out to dinner and commiserate/swap stories with the other pregnant ladies.

It was a blast! We all had virgin daiquiris and shared stories of how our husbands and families are reacting to the pregnancy. Two of us are on our second baby so we gave the first timers some insight and advice on what's to come. Our husbands also seem to be reacting very similarly to the latest pregnancy (or maybe a better description is not reacting) so we each rolled our eyes often in understanding. The other two have husbands that are very excited and into the pregnancy. I told them that they should be thankful for that at least. Although I am thankful that B isn't the type of guy who would announce the pregnancy on Facebook before you are ready to tell anyone. The grass is always greener for some things.

We stayed out a lot later than I thought we would. Especially since most of us go to bed around 8 or 9pm these days. It was so much fun I hope we do it again.


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