Tosa Tales

Monday, December 11, 2006

What's been going on...

- Went to Indiana to visit B's sister. They just moved to a new town about 40 minutes north of Indianapolis. This is a big step for them considering they have lived in the same town all their lives. Their new house is lovely and the dogs (we brought our 2 and they have 2) had a great time tearing around the house and the big fenced-in back yard. B's parents even came up to visit while we were there. I have a feeling this will be the new meeting place for B's family gatherings. The drive is shorter for us and not too bad for his parents. And there is plenty of room for all of us to stay the night.

- Firecracker came for a visit. We totally vegged out like lazy bums. Sat on the couch most of Saturday with the puppies piled on top of us and watched the Food Network. We did get off our lazy butts to go to dinner - sushi for FC and teriaki beef for me. We had watched a pie contest prior to dinner and decided that we MUST HAVE PIE! Took a few stops to find a good pie selection (since sushi restaurants don't really have pie) but we finally brought our booty back to the house and settled in on the couch to enjoy. Sunday had a bit more activity. Made some Irish Brown Bread and Cherry Scones for a tea party at Auzzie's house and FC headed home soon after tea.

- Auzzie has left Milwaukee. Even though her house isn't sold yet, she has gone to join her significant other in NYC. She just got a new job working for another division of our company located in NYC which was the final deciding factor to cut ties with Milwaukee. I'm bummed out but happy for her. I think she will really love NYC. Hopefully we will still stay in touch.

- Lately I've really missed having family nearby. Maybe it's because of the baby or just that it's been over 6 years since I've lived in the same city as my family. I hear about all the stuff they do together and events I miss and it just bums me out. Maybe I'll get over it during the holidays. Nothing like an overdose of family togetherness to cure my homesickness.

- I have high blood sugar. It's not quite high enough to be considered gestational diabeties but not far off. This explains why I still don't feel well after eating (especially sugar or carb laden foods). If I can curb my sweet tooth for the rest of my pregnancy, I shouldn't have any problems. AND I might be able to keep my weight gain within acceptable limits.

- Had a very relaxing Thanksgiving. Plans kept changing but in the end, only my mom came up to MKE for a few days. I still cooked way too much food so we had leftovers for weeks. Did some shopping but avoided the malls since they are always a madhouse that time of year.

- B is in Asia for 10 days on business. Usually I'm just fine on my own but this time around it's been lonely. Could be due to Auzzie leaving for NYC so I don't have any friends really close by to pal around with. Could be that the dogs are driving me nuts even though they are also good company. Could be that I'm a bit more emotional being pregnant. In any case, I can't wait until he comes home.