Tosa Tales

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Surprise, Surprise

The holidays were a bit hectic. Spent a few days with B's family and a few with mine. Then we came home for a bit of R&R before heading back to work. At least that's what we thought. I started feeling the nesting effect. Got all the baby clothes washed. Bought the crib mattress and set up the bedding. Put together the stroller and high chair and went through all the Christmas gifts the baby received.

All I can say is THANK GOODNESS I did! At 3:30am on New Year's Day I woke up to make my usual nightly trip to the bathroom. When I layed back down, I felt some cramping. Didn't think much of it but my mind started running and I couldn't get back to sleep. I soon suspected that I was having labor pains but was still in denile. The baby wasn't due for another 4 weeks and I had been planning on going past my due date. Considering I was born 2 weeks late and my husband was 4 weeks late, I didn't have much hope in even hitting my due date.

Around 6:30 am I noticed that B was awake and said to him, "I don't want you to panic but I think I'm in labor." His response... "It's probably indigestion." This comment was related to the large meal we had the night before and the fact that he had indigestion from the wine and White Russian he had consumed. I was pretty sure it wasn't indigestion since the contractions were now 10 minutes apart.

My next concern - I need a shower. If I really am in labor, it might be a while before my next one and I definitely needed to shave my legs. No way was I going to the hospital with gorilla legs. B thought this was pretty weird but shrugged it off. Soon after my shower, my water broke. I remember saying to B as I was packing my clothes, "I'm not ready for this." Not that I had much choice at this point.

To make a long story short, baby Morgan was born at 5:56pm on New Year's Day. She weighed 5lbs 13oz and was 19 inches long. Didn't have any health problems even though she was 4 weeks early. The whole labor process wasn't too bad. Epiderals are WONDERFUL.

Took us a while to decide on a name. We had briefly talked about it previously but thought we had some time to figure it out. That applies to many things. Luckily, B's parents and my mom were more than happy to go shopping for us so Morgan had diapers and other necessities once she arrived home.

Things are starting to settle down. Although Morgan hasn't figured out that she is supposed sleep at night instead of all day. We are working on that. Thank goodness my mom has decided to stay with us this week to help out. Gives me a chance to catch up on all the sleep I miss out on during the night. And run errands that I didn't have time for prior to Morgan's arrival.

This weekend is the baby shower (or baby storm as my friend is calling it). Since I work with mostly guys, we decided to have the event at a favorite pub that has a party room. Now that I'm no longer pregnant, I can even enjoy a Guinness! Really looking forward it.