Tosa Tales

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The good and the bad

Good - Mexico was great! Warm weather, plenty of sunshine and relaxation. I was ready to plan day trips to make sure Brad had a good time, Brad had prepared himself to do absolutely nothing so that I could have a good time. We ended up meeting in the middle but skewed to the "do nothing" side. We went for walks, snorkled one day and I even stayed up past 9pm to hang out with Brad and some other guests at the Tequila bar. We both came back with nice tans and prepared to deal with the remainder of winter.

Bad - Even though I brought a bunch of suntan lotion, I missed a few spots. First day I burned a strip on the inside of my leg from my knee down to my ankle. Hurt to even walk for a few days.

Good - We returned to 65 degree weather in Tosa! It gave us hope that spring would soon be here.

Bad - We received 4 inches of snow last weekend to remind us that winter is not done with us yet.

Good - I don't have gestational diabeties. I have been feeling very antsy and jittery after eating and thought it might be related. Turns out it's not. My blood sugar is normal.

Bad - I have a bladder infection. If this pregnancy is anything like the last one, it's the first of many.

Good - I've switched gyms to the one located at my office. More convenient and MUCH cheaper than my old gym. It has also gotten me back into working out (took a break while dealing with all that nausea). I've also started doing pre-natal yoga with some other pregnant ladies I work with and I really enjoy it.

Bad - I've packed on almost 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks thanks to overindulging on vacation and being lazy. Hopefully, joining the gym will help keep the weight gain under control. If the average weight gain is 1 pound a week, I still have a ways to go and the thought of weighing 10+ more pounds than I do now, makes me nervous. Mostly because it will be that much more work to shed the pounds after baby is born.

Good - I'm in my 3rd trimester with 11 weeks to go.

Bad - I don't feel like I have enough time to get everything ready. Even though we now have Miss M in her toddler bed and doing really well with that, we haven't made much headway preparing her new room. Still need to decide on paint colors and new linens. AND we need to order a new crib since Miss M is taking hers with her. There are also a bunch of weekends we will be out of town over the next month.