Tosa Tales

Monday, May 09, 2005

Weekend with the family

Visited the tribe this weekend. It was my niece's first birthday so the tribe gathered out at my sister's house on Saturday. The weather was great and it was good to see the family. We hung out in the back yard most of the day. As usual, the talk somehow got onto the subject of sex. Many of us had to go to our 'happy place' to escape being scarred for life.

Brought the dog with us even though I know my sister would have preferred that we leave her behind. The kids aren't used to having a dog around and are sometimes afraid of the dog. Mini A loves my dog from a distance but if she gets too close, Mini A runs in the other direction. She did discover that the dog loves playing with the hose. The swingset/jungle gym has a fire hose attached to it. You can run a garden hose up to the fire hose and it actually squirts water all over the yard. Mini A soon realized that it was pretty funny to watch the dog chase the water.

B wasn't feeling well so he was grouchy most the weekend (or maybe it was just the visit to my family's that made him grouchy). He was still trying to get over the remnents of the fever he had all week. He probably should have stayed home and rested but instead he was dragged everywhere for family stuff.

My friend and maid of honor, Firecracker also joined us. She is one of the extended family and has been to many family functions. She seemed to have fun hanging out with the tribe and we even got in a little girl time going shopping on Saturday. She was also a big help preparing Mothers Day Brunch. As usual, I didn't get started early enough and was way behind. My sister and family showed up at 10 and nothing was ready to eat. Little did Firecracker realize that she would be put to work during her visit.

All in all, it was a relaxing weekend. Now back to reality...


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