Tosa Tales

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby # 2

Yes, baby number two is on it's way. Due in June. The word is officially out. Family has been informed and my boss at work too. I have an ultrasound picture but haven't been able to get the scanner to work with the MAC. One of these days...

Last time I didn't write a lot about the pregnancy on my blog but screw that. It effects me every day so I'm going to write whatever I want this time around.

So far, things have not been pleasant. Nauseous all day long and I'm always tired. Haven't tossed up anything but have come close many times. This is similar to lthe last pregnancy but I do remember that I felt fine if I didn't eat anything (which is why I lost 10lbs in the first 4 months). That's not the case this time. I feel bad if I don't eat. Feel ok as I'm eating but soon feel aweful within an hour after eating. On the random occasion when I feel good, my first thought is to eat something. I've come to realize this is a mistake. Small portions are better in the long run. I've tried to repeat certain meals that went down well but it's not consistant. This child likes to TEASE it's mother!

For now, I'm trying the mind over matter method. If I don't think about tossing my cookies, it won't happen. Whenever I get close to the edge I start breathing deeply and focus my mind on something else. So far it's worked but I hope the nausea ends soon!

I don't really talk much to B about how I feel (physically). He doesn't get it. The one day I really didn't want to get out of bed, he basically told me that he had stuff to do so suck it up. On the weekend, I take full advantage of nap time. When Miss M takes her afternoon nap, so do I. I also tend to go to bed just after she does at night (~8pm). B recently told me that this can't be normal. I've suggested he read up on the joys of pregnancy but that doesn't happen. SO. To avoid any upset on my part, I just don't say anything. My blog is now going to become my outlet (don't you feel lucky?!?).

Miss M doesn't have a clue what she's in for. I told her the other day not to jump/bounce on Mommy's belly because she would squish the baby. I tried to explain that there was a baby in my belly. She seemed to accept this statement with no problems. Even started waving at my tummy to say hi to the baby.

I've also asked her not to squish my boobs since they are rather tender right now. For some reason, she now associates those with the baby too (not too far off base) and will start waving at my boobs. I tried explaning that the baby is in my tummy but that hasn't stopped her from greeting my boobs. *SHRUG*


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