Tosa Tales

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


We had a pretty good time this year for Thanksgiving. My mom and B's parents came up for the holiday. Had the full meal with plenty of leftovers we are still trying to consume. B's parents actually got to babysit Miss M for most of Wednesday since B and I had to work and our nanny had the day off. Sounds like they really enjoyed all that one-on-one time with her.

B's parents left on Friday to go check out a house. They are going to move closer to B's sister who is on the north side of Indianapolis and have started house hunting. My mom stayed until Saturday and left just after lunch. That meant we had all day Sunday to relax and recover...and put up the Christmas tree. I think this is the first time I've ever put the tree up just after Thanksgiving. Usually I'm traveling home on that Sunday so it waits until the next weekend or never happens. Since I'm never home for the holiday it sometimes feels like a waste of time.

This year, Miss M is old enough to enjoy the decorations and festivities so I was looking forward to setting up the tree. She even helped me a little by handing me (fake) tree branches. I waited to put on the ornaments until nap time to avoid any dramatics. I put a few ornaments down to her level. Ones that I don't care if they get destroyed or damaged. In fact there are many ornaments that I would love to toss in the garbage but for some reason, I keep them around.

One extra bonus is that I got one more vacation day on Monday because our sitter called in sick. I had problems getting online so I just decided to have my own sick day. Both Miss M and I are recovering from a cold so my scratchy voice makes me sound sick anyway. If I talk softly, my voice sounds a little rough. If I try to talk at a normal volume, it cracks like a teenage boy going through puberty. I'm back at work now but the voice hasn't fully recovered. The guys I work with strongly suggested that I speak softly.


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