Tosa Tales

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Starting up again

I keep starting a new post, get distracted and never publish it. Work was extremely busy (until recently) and I usually don't want to start up the computer when I get home. Since things are slowing down, I'm starting up blogging again. Here are some highlights since I last posted.

  • Went to Toronto in May. Got to see a bunch of friends, gathered with some high school buddies to celebrate our school's 100th anniversary, attended Alli's baby shower and a wedding for some friends of ours. The baby shower was fun but a bit odd. It was hosted by my ex-boyfriend's wife at their house.
  • B switched jobs but still working at the same company. The new job is more demanding and stressful so the honeymoon is over. I think he still likes it better there than GE.
  • Had a few fun visits with Firecracker. It's always nice with friends/family come to visit us in MKE. We travel so much to see them and it gets old. B even said NO MORE at one point during the summer after a bunch of trips that happened one right after the other.
  • B lost his grandma on his dad's side. She was over 90 and had a good, long life. It was nice to see the extended family. Too bad that this only happens at weddings and funerals.
  • Attended my family reunion this summer for the first time in about 4 or 5 years. They always have it on a Sunday afternoon and it's tough to drive 4 hours afterwards to get home. Some of the extended family had never met Miss M so I decided it was time to start attending again. And she had a blast. The reunions are always fun. Also went back to Peoria when my uncle and his family were in town. They have also never met Miss M. Had a great day with the family at the beach near my sister's house. Makes me wish we lived closer but I don't see us leaving MKE any time soon especially the way the economy is these days.
  • Made a trip up to northern WI. We've been thinking about buying some land on a lake or a cottage. Some friends have a cottage about 3 hours north of MKE and we went up to visit and check out some properties. Didn't find anything that both B and I liked so still looking.
  • B was in charge of planning our vacation this fall but couldn't decided what to do or where to go. We ended up going to WI Dells for a few days. I love water parks and Miss M has really started to love the water after taking swimming lessons. It was a fun trip but the indoor water park was a bit chilly so didn't get to swim as much as we would have liked.
  • Miss M is definetly a toddler now (she's almost 2!). Talking (you have to listen closely to understand though), running (remember how Pheobe ran on the show Friends? LOL), growing (already into 3T sizes), opinionated, singing, etc. We are slowly working on potty training. Hit a bump in the road when she decided she wanted to be naked all the time. It was easy to get the clothes off to sit on the potty but almost impossible to get them back on. I'm looking forward to Xmas this year though. She probably won't understand the whole Santa thing but watching her open gifts will be fun.


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