To know... or not to know...
Sometimes I think I would be a happier person if I didn't know certain things. Wouldn't it be nice to just blank out those memories that are unpleasant? I guess we would never learn from our mistakes if we did that. Oh well...The reason for this train of thought is that I found out some friends excluded B & I from an outing. I debated on whether to talk about this in my blog but Firecracker, I think you are the only one who actually reads my blog anyway. I realize that we aren't included in everything but I think I've mentioned in the past how I'm being left in the dust with certain friends. Well, today B heard about an event from a person who thought we were unable to go because of another commitment. Turns out that that person just didn't know we weren't invited. Even thought it doesn't surprise me that we weren't invited, it still hurts. Firecracker, you are extremely lucky to have friends that seek you out even when you are so busy with work, you hardly have time to breath.
July 4th Recap
Had a nice, relaxing holiday. Saturday we went to a baseball game. Did some tailgating before the game and got to catch some fireworks after. Weather was beautiful (a bit chilly) and the game was a close one so it was fun. Sunday we went to a friend's and grilled out. We talked our friend into grilling pizzas (a new favorite of ours). You just buy the pizza crust, roll it out a bit, slather it with olive oil and pile on whatever toppings you want. The hardest part is getting the crust on the grill without ripping it. Even with some holes, it's very yummy. We then had carmel apples from Cedarburg for dessert. To me - food for the gods! Again the weather was great and we got to bring the dog with us so she didn't get stuck at home. I did feel a little bit bad for bringing the dog though. There were 4 dogs total running around and the host had just re-sealed his deck. Now there are a bunch of nail scratches over the newly refinished surface. We tried to keep them off the deck but not with much success. If it had been my deck, I wouldn't have cared but...Monday we didn't do anything. Weather was crummy and we had more than enough fireworks the previous 2 days so didn't feel the need to brave the rain. Tuesday,we started registering for the wedding. This was a fun and frustrating task. B kept trying to talk me out of putting things on the registry because we don't "need" it. I kept trying to explain to him - it's not about need. It's all about WANT. In my opinion, people are going to buy you gifts anyway. Why not give them an idea of what you want instead of them guessing and you end up with something hidious that you feel obligated to keep. Besides, why not get some new stuff to replace the old? My problem is that I am a kitchen gadget freak. I have already amassed a large collection of utensils and appliances that a normal kitchen does not have. I like to cook and like to use the right tools. I think I will have to do some registering on my own and not mention it to B.
Sad news across the pond
I just heard about the bombings in London. Hopefully all my friends and co-workers near London are ok. This type of thing doesn't make sense to me. "To each, his own." has always been my philosophy in life. If someone else has a different opinion... so be it. The world is too big and life is way too short to worry about what other people's beliefs that may be different from my own. I know it's not as simple as that but why can't it be?
It's been so long!
I didn't realize how long it had been since my last posting! I've actually been busy for once. One of our critical systems at work started crashing constantly and I was assigned to a "Tiger Team" to help deal with the problems. Took the teams (and our system vendors) a while to figure out the problem. Now things are pretty much back to normal and I have time to post. The biggest thing that has happened to me recently is my purse got stolen. You are probably thinking, "That sucks!" Well, it gets better...I've been working out at Bally's for a while, trying to firm up and slim down for the wedding. Walked in, dropped my stuff off in the locker room and locked up. Went to work out and when I got back to my locker an hour later, the lock was missing. Uh oh. I open the locker and look around. My car keys are missing. Oh shit! I race out to the parking lot and thankfully, my car is still there. After looking around in my car, I realize that my purse is missing. Lovely! I report it to Bally's and they call the cops. Have to call B because they have taken my car keys and I need him to bring the spare. For some reason, I'm not that upset. Probably because in the grand scheme of things, this is minor. Compared to being in a car accident or someone breaking into your house and stealing your TV & VCR, this doesn't seem that bad. It pissed me off more than upset me. If they had stolen my car, it may have been a different story.So I gave my report to the cops. Everyone kept asking me, have you cancelled your credit cards? I ask you... HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS? I don't have the phone numbers of my credit card companies floating around in my head! I may have a good memory for numbers, but not THAT good. Obviously, the phone numbers are on the back of the credit cards that WERE STOLEN along with my purse. DUH! As soon as I got home, I started making calls to cancel everything. The most annoying part is that inside my purse were my new (expensive) glasses and my cell phone. Those have been the most problematic to replace. Everything else was replaced by a simple phone call. I would already have a new cell phone if B hadn't said that I should really shop around before buying a new one. My contract is up with Sprint so I can switch with no hassles. This also means that I haven't quite decided which service to try. All of them have pros and cons. I think I'll just go renew with Sprint (they will give me a discount for it) and not mention it to B until after it's over. Researching mobile phone services is not my idea of fun. I'll just go with the lazy choice.One other big event... THE TILE IS DONE! Finally! I thought the day would never get here. The only big thing left is to paint all the trim. I'm already about half way there so I hope it will get done over the holiday weekend. We didn't make any big plans so we should have plenty of time to work on the trim.