Tosa Tales

Monday, June 26, 2006

Slow but steady progress

My friends Allison and Mark are slowly improving every day. They have both been released from the hospital but will be spending some time at a rehabilitation center until they are back on his feet. Allison still doesn't have the use of her right side but her speech is improving every day. The doctors say to give it time.

We are definitely going for a visit this weekend. We have 2 days off for the July 4th holiday which means we can drive up instead of fly. We didn't really have many plans for the weekend and I'd really like to see my friends. Plus it will give me a chance to visit with another friend, Mel and meet her new daughter. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.

Some other news...we are getting another puppy. B likes our current dog's breed so much, he won't even consider getting another kind of dog so we've been searching and waiting for a litter to be born. We finally heard from the breeder that a puppy is ours and will be ready to pick up in 4 weeks - We aren't sure how our only child is going to react to a new sibling. Time will tell. We are still searching for a name for the new puppy. B has too many rules about dog names. It can't be a human name, nothing whimpy, should be unique (heaven forbid that someone else has a dog with the same name), etc. Any suggestions are VERY WELCOME!


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