Tosa Tales

Friday, March 31, 2006

Ahhhh Spring

I love this time of year. You are sooooo tired of the cold weather. One nice day comes along and you start to think that winter will be over soon. It gives you hope. I was walking the dog yesterday. It was still light out. The sun was shining. AND I was only wearing a sweatshirt! Sometimes, it doesn't take much to make me happy. I had to pause, raise my face to the sun and smile.

As much as I hate winter in Milwaukee, I LOVE summer. And this year I won't be stuck inside working on house renovations. Happy day!

It's been another busy week so no time for a real post. I'll try to find some time this weekend to tell you all about my adventures with some new Irish friends.


  • I love Spring..I am always anxious to get out the summer/spring boxes of clothing! It turned cold here again this week. I am with you on enjoying the weather this year. We didn't last year due to house renovations too...we aren't finished but I'm taking time out this year to camp, hike and just play the rain.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:04 AM  

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