Tosa Tales

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Who's having the best week?

Well, it's not me. My friends are a whole other story. Al closed on her new house that she recently bought with her boyfriend. As the new owners walked into the house, he proposed! He actually put the ring on the keyring but Al didn't notice as she unlocked the front door. She finally spotted it when he dangled the keyring in front of her face.

Another big winner this week is Firecracker. She won 2 round-trip tickets to Ireland! From a person who has only won a free Pepsi with my next purchase, I think that's AWESOME! I need to convince her to travel around the same time we are in Ireland so we can meet up and party it up in Dublin or somewhere.

Speaking of Ireland, I'm taking up a new activity - scuba diving. I've always wanted to do it but haven't had an opportunity to go anywhere with good diving spots. There's definitely nothing around here worth diving for. Recently, a friend decided to try diving and asked if I wanted to do it with her. That was the only reason I needed. I asked B if he wanted to do it with me but he is not a big fan of water when it comes to swimming in it. Drinking it is acceptable. I was resigned to completing my certification in some local strip mine lake or (*UGH*) Lake Michigan.

While I was looking for places to stay in Ireland, I clicked on a link for local activities. Low and behold, there is a big scuba diving place near Galway! It may be a bit cold, but MUCH more interesting that murky Lake Michigan. I've even convinced B (reluctantly) to get certified with me. I never would have thought of scuba diving in Ireland but I'm up for the adventure. Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!


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