Tosa Tales

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The good, the bad, the broken...

The Good - I leave tomorrow for vacation!!! Two whole weeks in Ireland with B for our official honeymoon. Guinness here I come! I really don't want to work today but must get through my mountain of a to do list before I leave.

The Bad - I just got a notice in the mail for jury duty. The one benefit for moving every two years or so is that the legal system doesn't catch up with you. I've now lived in the same house for almost 4 YEARS (I think that's a record for me). I saw the notice and started hoping that they wanted me to appear while I was on vacation! No dice. It's for the end of May. Ugh.

The Broken - I went to the gym last night so that I could join in a small group training with my drill sargeant Brit. We had just started class and I was just finishing up a lap of lunges when I look over and see Brit on the ground clutching her leg. Even from 20 feet away I could see the tear falling on the ground. Turns out, she was demonstrating an exercise to some others and fell. No one was sure (even Brit) exactly what happened but she was in a lot of pain. Maybe a broken ankle. The parametics were called and all of us in her class kind of hovered around Brit until they arrived. I felt like an idiot standing there so I started asking questions... Can I get anything for you? Call your husband? Would you like someone to go to the hospital with you? Are you sure you don't need me to do anything for you??? I also felt terrible for her because I know what it's like to injure yourself in front of a lot of people. Mortifying!

Since I know how long it can take at the emergency room, I was planning on calling Brit the next morning to see how she was. Around 10pm I get a call. Brit is back from the hospital and is sooooo embarassed over the whole incident. Turns out she tore ligaments in her ankle, chipped a bone or two, did some sort of damage to a few toes AND has a very nasty bruise on her butt from landing on a bar bell when she fell. Poor girl! Lack of mobility is going to drive Brit CRAZY! We were laying bets at the gym on how long it would be before she was back at work. She is not the type to sit around even when in pain. I think she will be back in by Monday even though others were betting on 2 weeks. I can just see her on crutches yelling at her lazy clients to do 10 MORE pushups!


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