Tosa Tales

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bike Week

Last week was the annual Super Week ( bike races here in Milwaukee. Jason, a friend of B's from college races and usually guys from his team come up from Texas and stay at our house. They are all a fun bunch of guys so I look forward to it each year. Even though the house can sometimes feel like it's bursting at the seams.

This year we started out with 2 visitors, Jason and his wife. That weekend we also had Firecracker and FC2 come up for the Cubs vs. Brewers game and a concert down at Summerfest. Jason's wife was here to cheer for her husband but also to see the Counting Crows down at Summerfest. It was a busy weekend. Saturday we tailgated then watched the Cubs beat the Brewers (surprise, surprise!). We even went out after the game for some drinks. Sunday morning Firecracker and I started planning out our trip to Ireland in September and we slowly got ready for the concert.

The rest of the gang arrived back from racing along with some new visiters. They ran into a former teammate of Jason's and invited him and his travelling companion, Rita the Doberman Pinscher, to stay at our house. The more the merrier! We all headed down to Summerfest. On the way down it started to rain. Well.. rain is putting it mildly. It was a torential downpour. We parked the cars and ran to the nearest pub. It had been extremely hot that day (94ish) and we thought this would be a quick summer shower so decided to hang out for a drink to wait out the rain before heading over to the concert. WE WERE WRONG. The rain kept coming and the temperature dropped to about 68 degrees. We wouldn't have been such wimps if our concerts seats had been under cover. They weren't. And none of us were dressed for 68 degrees and rain. Jason and his wife had covered seats and she had come all the way from Texas for this concert so she was determined not to miss it. They borrowed some garbage bags from the bar and dashed off towards the Summerfest grounds. The rest of us wimps hung out at the bar until the rain let up and then headed home. Yes...we are old. But we stayed dry and had fun hanging out.

The rest of the week was pretty laid back. Jason, Arvana and Rita were our only visitors. We thought we were going to have some new arrivals on Thursday but those guys decided to stay at another friend's house. So this past weekend turned out to be pretty low-key. Ok by me. Next weekend will be busy. We are heading down to southern Indiana to visit the in-laws and picking up our new puppy on the way home. Next week should be interesting!


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