Tosa Tales

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Moving on

My friend Auzzie is leaving Milwaukee for the bright lights of New York City. Her significant other got a job in NYC and she is going with him. She'll still be working for our company doing the same job, just doing it remotely from NYC. I'm excited for her but at the same time I'm bummed. Auzzie has become a great friend and she only lives a few blocks away from me. I sometimes stop by while out walking the dog. She is also a very passionate person who loves life. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious and fun to be around.

I know that moving to NYC doesn't mean I won't hear from her again or stop being friends but it's never the same. It's definitely the test of how strong a friendship is. Distance and time don't matter with the people I consider my greatest friends. I can go months without talking with those friends and years without seeing them but as soon as I hear their voice or see their smiling face, time melts away. Instantly we are girls again, chatting about everything under the sun.

I hope my friendship with Auzzie turns into that. I am looking forward to a trip to NYC for a visit. Seeing NYC through her eyes will be a blast!


  • Well at least you have an excuse to go to NYC now. It sucks when friends move away.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 2:10 PM  

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