Tosa Tales

Friday, August 04, 2006


This seems to be my constant state lately. Also, I have a new role in life - referee. The dogs play almost non-stop until I or B intervene when it gets a bit too rough. Both of the dogs are instigators so you can't discipline them easily. There are times when we have to put one of them in a crate just to have a little down time (and peace & quiet). I'm very happy that they get along (for the most part). The main reason we got another dog was to give our older dog, Onyx, a playmate. Onyx has a new mission in life. Take away any toy/bone that Doolin has and tease him with it until he chases her. It's either this game or wrestling - constantly!

The first week we had Doolin, I was amazed that he slept through the night. It didn't last long. The past 3 nights, he has been waking up at 4am (UGH!). One of us takes him outside then we put him back in his crate and try go back to sleep. Unfortunately, Doolin is wide awake and ready to start the day. The crying and scratching at his crate door keeps all of us awake until the alarm goes off. We are determined not to give in to his demands though. We are strong! We are the boss! WE ARE TIRED!

He is extremely cute though. I haven't been able to cuddle much with him because he is still nipping at everything. So much so that we have nick-named him the Snapping Turtle. I know he will eventually outgrow this but I worry that all the rough housing with Onyx promotes the nipping. Time will tell. In the meantime, I will continue to snuggle with him and just try to avoid the chompers.


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