Tosa Tales

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

SPC post-mortem

I did have a lot of fun. Mostly because of the actions of the drunken santas. Two of my co-workers especially had me laughing. One of them (JJ) was also celebrating her birthday. Not a good thing to do on a pub crawl. Everyone was buying her drinks not to mention the free drinks the santas received at various bars. Before we got to pub number four (Wolski's), JJ could hardly walk. Looked like she was walking through a land mine field because of the way she was carefully placing one foot in front of another. After arriving at Wolski's, I heard that JJ lost her cookies in the back of the bus. Poor thing. Soon after that, JJ and her husband caught a cab and headed home.

One incident that makes me chuckle every time I think about it is when JJ went to take a picture of herself and another co-worker, Tim. She walked up and put her arm around Tim to pose for the picture. The only problem was that she had a full beer in the hand of the arm that went around Tim's neck. JJ was already drunk by this time and didn't pay attention to the beer. Specifically the direction the mouth of the beer was pointing. She ended up dumping almost an entire beer down Tim's sholder before I could snatch it out of her hand. Tim (who was also drunk) didn't even notice. When I pointed out that his santa suit was now officially christened, he just shrugged his sholders. Didn't seem to care about the beer dripping down his front and pooled at his feet. LOL!

We lost a few other santas throughout the night. Happens every year. Many newbies don't realize that you have to pace yourself and to remember that riding a school bus can be hard on a stomach that is full of alcohol. Especially the BACK of the bus.

I'm still recapping events from that night because many santas have memory gaps. Those same santas have said they will never drink again after suffering from a nasty hangover on Sunday. I'm sure that will change by the time next year rolls around. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa Pub Crawl

I've been looking forward to this year's resurrection of SPC but not to the extent that I have in the past. For many years, a bunch of fun people have dressed up as Santa (or some variation of it), hopped on a school bus and spread Xmas joy to 4 different bars/pubs around town. I have very fond memories of previous SPCs and turns out that B was at the first SPC that I attended but we never met that night. There are usually 40+ Santas so it's not surprising to not meet everyone. I had also just moved to town and only knew 2 of the other Santas.

This year just won't be the same because it's not the same group of people that have gone in the past and I won't be drinking because of baby. HOWEVER, my excitement level just got a huge boost yesterday. I found out that Aussie is flying in from NYC and attending SPC. YAY!!! If only I could convince Firecracker to fly in ALSO! My SPC would be complete! I know that won't happen but a girl can always dream, right?

There are a few interesting twists this year. All the suburban Santas will be gathering at our house for the bus. This means I get to dust off my hostess apron and have to make sure the house is spotless. There is also an infrastructure change happening on the same night that I'm coordinating. I've got a person lined up to cover for me but I feel a bit guilty.

I also hope I can stay awake all night. I need to get all the prep work done early so I'll have time to fit in a nap. Otherwise, I'm doomed.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby # 2

Yes, baby number two is on it's way. Due in June. The word is officially out. Family has been informed and my boss at work too. I have an ultrasound picture but haven't been able to get the scanner to work with the MAC. One of these days...

Last time I didn't write a lot about the pregnancy on my blog but screw that. It effects me every day so I'm going to write whatever I want this time around.

So far, things have not been pleasant. Nauseous all day long and I'm always tired. Haven't tossed up anything but have come close many times. This is similar to lthe last pregnancy but I do remember that I felt fine if I didn't eat anything (which is why I lost 10lbs in the first 4 months). That's not the case this time. I feel bad if I don't eat. Feel ok as I'm eating but soon feel aweful within an hour after eating. On the random occasion when I feel good, my first thought is to eat something. I've come to realize this is a mistake. Small portions are better in the long run. I've tried to repeat certain meals that went down well but it's not consistant. This child likes to TEASE it's mother!

For now, I'm trying the mind over matter method. If I don't think about tossing my cookies, it won't happen. Whenever I get close to the edge I start breathing deeply and focus my mind on something else. So far it's worked but I hope the nausea ends soon!

I don't really talk much to B about how I feel (physically). He doesn't get it. The one day I really didn't want to get out of bed, he basically told me that he had stuff to do so suck it up. On the weekend, I take full advantage of nap time. When Miss M takes her afternoon nap, so do I. I also tend to go to bed just after she does at night (~8pm). B recently told me that this can't be normal. I've suggested he read up on the joys of pregnancy but that doesn't happen. SO. To avoid any upset on my part, I just don't say anything. My blog is now going to become my outlet (don't you feel lucky?!?).

Miss M doesn't have a clue what she's in for. I told her the other day not to jump/bounce on Mommy's belly because she would squish the baby. I tried to explain that there was a baby in my belly. She seemed to accept this statement with no problems. Even started waving at my tummy to say hi to the baby.

I've also asked her not to squish my boobs since they are rather tender right now. For some reason, she now associates those with the baby too (not too far off base) and will start waving at my boobs. I tried explaning that the baby is in my tummy but that hasn't stopped her from greeting my boobs. *SHRUG*

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


We had a pretty good time this year for Thanksgiving. My mom and B's parents came up for the holiday. Had the full meal with plenty of leftovers we are still trying to consume. B's parents actually got to babysit Miss M for most of Wednesday since B and I had to work and our nanny had the day off. Sounds like they really enjoyed all that one-on-one time with her.

B's parents left on Friday to go check out a house. They are going to move closer to B's sister who is on the north side of Indianapolis and have started house hunting. My mom stayed until Saturday and left just after lunch. That meant we had all day Sunday to relax and recover...and put up the Christmas tree. I think this is the first time I've ever put the tree up just after Thanksgiving. Usually I'm traveling home on that Sunday so it waits until the next weekend or never happens. Since I'm never home for the holiday it sometimes feels like a waste of time.

This year, Miss M is old enough to enjoy the decorations and festivities so I was looking forward to setting up the tree. She even helped me a little by handing me (fake) tree branches. I waited to put on the ornaments until nap time to avoid any dramatics. I put a few ornaments down to her level. Ones that I don't care if they get destroyed or damaged. In fact there are many ornaments that I would love to toss in the garbage but for some reason, I keep them around.

One extra bonus is that I got one more vacation day on Monday because our sitter called in sick. I had problems getting online so I just decided to have my own sick day. Both Miss M and I are recovering from a cold so my scratchy voice makes me sound sick anyway. If I talk softly, my voice sounds a little rough. If I try to talk at a normal volume, it cracks like a teenage boy going through puberty. I'm back at work now but the voice hasn't fully recovered. The guys I work with strongly suggested that I speak softly.