Tosa Tales

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tiling SUCKS!

I haven't written anything because my life has been taken over by this renovation project. We had to get the tiling done by Monday so the plumbers could finish off our bathroom. UGH! Friday night, all day Sat and Sun, I tiled and grouted. I even did some more grouting last night and it's STILL NOT DONE.

At least enough of it is now done so the other contractors can finish their work. Saw the contractor this morning and he thought it looked great. The bathroom should officially be done this weekend if we can finish off the last row of tile while our parents are visiting. The next challenge is the trim. Must put a few layers of polyurathane on the trim before the carpet can be installed. Oh... and touch up all the paint. At least that should go smoother than the tile. Maybe I shouldn't say that...

B left for Europe on Sunday morning which meant that I got stuck with all the grouting on my own. Auzzie stopped by on Sunday afternoon to say hi and ended up scraping tile with me for a while. She needed to get out of the house for a little while. Her boyfriend wasn't feeling well and we all know that men are not good patients. When they get sick, they regress back to the age of five.

This weekend both B's parents and my mom are coming for a visit. Should be an interesting fit. We currently only have 2 bedrooms due to the renovations so I'll have to be creative about finding mom a place to sleep. I have so much to do before they show up. Clean, finish tile, organized my stuff for the rummage sale... Our neighborhood is having a rummage sale that I am participating in along with some friends. I haven't even started pricing or organizing stuff and it's next weekend. I'm hoping my visitors leave early on Monday so I can get a big chunk of it done then. We shall see...


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