Tosa Tales

Friday, January 06, 2006

Shake your RUMP!

I made a great start to 2006 by trying something new - Hip Hop dance class. A while ago, Auzzie had mentioned that she wanted to sign up for a dancing class. I told her I was in, thinking I would be learning some sort of ballroom dancing. Instead she found this Hip Hop class. My initial thought was, I don't think so. I wasn't so sure I'd be able to keep up and do the grove thang without making a total ass of myself. Turns out that I actually had fun and didn't care if I don't have a lot of funk in my moves. There were plenty of other novices there that made my dancing look normal.

One girl in particular caught my eye. Imagine blond hair, a slightly plump figure wearing kahki pants, long-sleeved conservative shirt and shoes that almost look like dress shoes. Not exactly the typical outfit for hip hop dancing or any sort of exercise class. Nor did she have much grove in her step. I am by no means the next Janet Jackson, but I know I have more funk in my soul than that white girl.

The dance class wasn't the easiest thing, but it was fun and good exercise so I'm going to go again. I've invited another friend, Brit, to come with us next week and I know she will add even more humor to the event. Should be fun even if a little humiliation is mixed in there.


  • Sounds like fun! I'm sure after a few classes you'll get much better and things will feel more natural. I kind of wish I lived in WI so I could join you guys but I'll have to settle for my tennis classes which start tomorrow. Have fun and shake that booty!

    By Blogger Maple, at 10:12 PM  

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