Tosa Tales

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

One small step

I'm trying to branch out and meet new people. Especially people outside of work. I've lived in Milwaukee for 4 years and all of my friends are from work. I've met some people in the neighborhood or at the dog park but it's never gone farther than a casual acquaintence.

Next week, I'm going to a Young Professionals of Milwaukee event. It's something I've been meaning to do for a long time but never got around to. I'm finally making the plunge. At first, B was going to go with me. Then he found out that he has a work function the same night. I was starting to lose my enthusiasm because I didn't really want to go by myself (chicken that I am). I then asked Auzzie if she wanted to go since I know she has mentioned an interest in YPM events inthe past. She accepted and passed it on to a bunch of other people. Now there is a big group going.

This could be good or bad. I may end up chatting with the other people I know and not branching out to meet new people. I will have to make an effort to talk to strangers. Funny how that is something discouraged in children but encouraged in adults.

What do you ask a young professional? My first thought is - what do you do for a living? I need to think of something more interesting than that. Who is your favorite superhero seems a bit weird. Maybe - who is your favorite CEO? LOL. I might just stick to the weird questions.


  • Good for you! I should probably do something similar, or at least start going to the Canadian Young Professionals happy hours they have here. I've gone in the past but then work always seemed to get in the way.

    Good luck!

    By Blogger Maple, at 1:05 PM  

  • hey good luck. It's hard to meet people and so easy to stay tucked away in our safe little world. Congrats on taking the plunge.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 3:47 PM  

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