Tosa Tales

Monday, November 28, 2005


Well... almost done. B and I busted our butts on Wed, Thurs & Fri to get the upstairs renovations completed. The carpet is in and most of the neccessities are in place so that we actually moved our bedroom upstairs on Friday. Still need to install the closet and finish some doors but for the most part, it's done!

The family started arriving on Friday and we had plenty of room for them. I was still doing some cleaning (vicious dust bunnies under the beds) when some arrived but was able to finish it up before long. B made some chilli for dinner on Friday night which turned out a little tooooo spicy. He didn't realize that the Indian chilli spice is much hotter than the American chilli spice. I had to pause a few times to let the fire in my mouth die down. Luckily, we had Firecracker's yummy cookies to counteract the spices too. Both moms wanted the recipe and couldn't get enough of them.

Saturday we made a few pies and started getting ready for the validation ceremony. B wanted our marriage to be recognized by the Catholic Church. The Napa Valley wedding didn't count because it was performed outside of a church. No big deal to me. It was very brief. Only my mom, B's parents and my maid of honor, Firecracker, were there. We were done in 15 minutes. I took longer to take pictures than to perform the ceremony. I wore my wedding dress again. I felt very silly climbing into my car and walking up to the church in the dress but who cares? How many women get to wear the same wedding dress twice? B was in his tux and Firecracker in her maid of honor dress too so I got to share the silliness. All of the wedding events are now officially OVER!!!

After the ceremony, we headed back to the house, changed into normal clothes and started fixing the turkey meal. A few ingredients were forgotten but in general, everything turned out pretty tastey. We all sat around the table and gorged ourselves. I didn't think I put too much on my plate but I could hardly move after dinner. When we finally came out of our food comas and moved away from the table, the parents went to bed and B, Firecracker and I spread out on the couch to watch a little Trading Spaces.

It was a great weekend. The in-laws get along really well and I think Firecracker is now considered an honorary member of both sides of the family. She was invited to go down for a visit to Indiana anytime or to come along with B and I for any holiday. Chicago is on the way after all. Even doggy seemed to have a good time. She got lots of playtime with B's dad and snuggle time with Firecracker.

Even though it was a fun time, I was happy to see everyone head home on Sunday. I needed a little time by myself after being surrounded by people for 3 days. I did absolutely NOTHING yesterday and didn't feel any twinge of guilt.

To round out a good Thanksgiving holiday, I thought I would list out the things I am thankful for:

1. A loving and supportive husband and family.

2. The really good friends that I know I can count on no matter how many times a year I see them or talk to them.

3. Completing the bulk of the house renovations! All the hard work is finally paying off.

4. A job that pays the bills and that sometimes can be fulfilling.

5. Even though there are a few aches and pains, I enjoy good health.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday!


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