Tosa Tales

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I've been busy!

For once, I've actually had work to do. It's sort of nice except my current boss is driving me (and my team) nuts. We are working on this project that doesn't have clear scope and our manager likes to go off on tangents. This is very frustrating when we do a whole bunch of work for one of those tangents and it either was a waste of time or we have to redo it. The only light at the end of the tunnel is that I'm working on changing jobs. I will soon escape the madness. I feel sort of sorry for my PIC (Partner In Crime). She is new to the company and got dropped into a hornet's nest. I'm sure she asks herself on a daily basis why she left her old company. I keep telling her that not all projects are like this and not all managers are as frustrating.

Anyway... A recap of the last week or so. I didn't go to the YPM event (yes I'm a loser). We collectively decided that we didn't want to drive in the bad traffic caused by the snow that was falling and we needed our rest for the company Xmas party which was the following night. I was willing to tough it out if Auzzie or B still wanted to go but all of us lost our enthusiasm after getting stuck in traffic trying to get home.

Friday night was the Xmas party. B is part of the setup committee so he headed down about 3ish to help with prep. I hitched a ride with Auzzie, her boyfried and another couple from work. I was running a little behind schedule due to wardrobe issues. I borrowed a beaded top from my fitness trainer that looked really good with my skirt I had purchased for the Wedding Reception party. Even though I had tried it on previously, I hadn't noticed how see through it was. For an office party, it's not really something you want. After digging up 5 different bras and realizing that I lost enough inches off my bust line to make most of my old bras look rediculous, I finally found a solution.

I finally get down to the party, locate my hubby and start scouting for a table. Luckily, I happen to run into a friend on the way in and we decide to sit together along with one other couple. Cool! I get to sit by someone I like and don't get to chat with often. We have 2 spots left at the table and soon run into another couple that we would like to add to the table but as we approach to put the name cards in place... we discover that another couple has already staked a claim. BUMMER! I know that guy a bit from work but I've never met his wife.

I had heard stories about people from our company who are rude to significant others and was determined not to be that person. However, I really wanted to listen in and chat with my friend on the other side of me. TORN! I don't think I was rude but I didn't spend a lot of time talking to the person on my left.

Overall the night was fun. I chatted with a bunch of people I don't normally get to see or talk to. I got B out on the dance floor for 2 slow songs (not an easy task). Boogied a bit with Auzzie. I met PIC's husband and had a great time talking to both of them. It's too bad they live out in no-man's land. They enjoy many of the same things B and I do and they are really fun to hang out with. Maybe the distance won't be an issue.

When the party ended, a bunch of us headed upstairs to Blu, the bar/lounge on the top floor. This is an annual event for those who stick it out past midnight. It usually involves cigars and martinis. My feet were killing me after all that dancing and I plopped down in a chair next to the significant other of a friend of B's. I've never really talked to her before but had a great conversation about the issues of fitting into a dress when you don't really have a lot to work with. I had complimented her on her beautiful dress - that's how we got onto that subject.

We eventually headed home around 2. I'll have to fill you in on the farewell party we went to on Saturday night in a future blog...


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