Tosa Tales

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The good, the bad, the sick

I've been brought down low by the stomach flu. Being sick sucks. I felt bad enough yesterday that I would have rather gone to work than be sick (and that says a lot!). I feel much better today but still having some residual effects so decided to stay home again today. On the up side, I hopped on the scale this morning and discovered there are some benefits to having the flu. Let's see if I can maintain this weight once my desire for food returns.

And for those of you who might be wondering, NO I'm not pregnant. This flu bug has been going around the office and decided to latch on to me. B was even having some stomach issues this morning so I may have unfortunately passed it on to him.


  • I'm sorry to hear you are sick. Alice has been sick with fever and stomach issues since Monday sucks to be sick, sucks even more when it's happening to someone you love and you can't fix it.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 1:37 PM  

  • Just as long as you are better by next weekend!! If it makes you feel better, I think I sprained my wrist, so you're not the only one suffering right now.

    By Blogger Maple, at 2:49 PM  

  • Firecracker - no, it doesn't make me feel better to know you are hurting too! Hope the wrist is better soon.

    NWC - Hope Alice feels better soon too. Sounds like she has the same thing I've had.

    By Blogger Tosa, at 4:34 PM  

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