Tosa Tales

Monday, March 13, 2006

He Loves Me

This weekend Firecracker, Auzzie and I spent a fun girls weekend in Chicago. Auzzie has developed a liking for hockey and we feel that it is our duty to educate others about how great the game is. We decided to introduce her to NHL hockey with a game between the Blackhawks and my favorite team, Detroit Red Wings.

The plan was to come down on Saturday, do a little shopping and girly stuff, then have dinner and hit the bars. Not too long after I had arrived, I discovered that I had left my driver's license on the kitchen table. DOH! Yes, I know. Very stupid of me. As many of you know, getting into bars in Chicago requires ID no matter how old you are. We started thinking about options for the evening and it was a bit depressing.

We jokingly thought about calling B and asking him to meet me half-way between MKE and Chicago with my license. I decided to give this idea a try so I called B. Turns out he was at a friend's house about a half hour from home and it didn't make sense for me to ask him. Instead, I asked that he check the kitchen table when he got home to make sure it was indeed there (and not lost).

In the meantime, Firecracker gets a call from her friend CG informing us that she was at Murphys (by Wrigley Field) chatting with a fun bunch of hockey players that were in town for a tournament AND to get our butts down there as soon as possible. After hearing about my ID dilemma, CG confirmed with the bouncer that I would be able to get in with no problems.

About an hour or two later, I get a call from B. He (and the dog) is just north of Chicago with my license and wants to know where I am so he can meet up with me. WHAT?!? He had to go home to feed the dog and didn't really have plans for the evening so decided to bring my license to me!!! I was extremely surprised to put it mildly. He didn't call until he was almost to Chicago because he knew I would tell him to not bother (which I would have).

I would have liked to meet him half-way but we had taken a cab to Murphys and by the time I would have gotten back to my car, he would already be here. So, I gave him directions to Murphys which is easy to find and told him that he should stop in for a beer while he was here. A while later he pulls up and I run out to try to convince him to park in the lot across the street and come in for a beer. No dice. He doesn't want to leave the dog in the car and it has started raining so he wants to head home before the weather gets bad. Plus, he doesn't want to interrupt girls night out.

What a guy. If that is not an unselfish demonstration that he loves me, I don't know what is. I am still trying to figure out something really nice that I can do for him in return.


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