Tosa Tales

Monday, March 06, 2006

Out and about

Friday night B and I went to dinner with some friends. The other couple is someone we always talk about doing something with but never get around to making plans. We finally did. Dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. Our friends live pretty far west and very rarely come into Milwaukee anymore so this was our chance to share one of our Milwaukee gems with them.

It was a great night and we all agreed we need to do it again soon. By 9pm, I was ready to head home. It's always hard for me to party on Friday nights especially after a long work week. Next time, we'll have to find a better night so that the meal doesn't end with all of us yawning.

Saturday we spent most of the day shopping. I really need some new shoes and I want some new clothes to spruce up my wardrobe. Instead, we found a bunch of stuff for B. Isn't that typical? Whenever you are looking for something, you can't find it. When you shop with someone else who is on a mission or you are just window shopping and don't want to buy anything, you find all sorts of stuff. Why is that???

Sunday was Oscar night. Normally, I would flip back and forth to the Oscars or not even watch it at all. I'm more interested in watching the fashions in the pre-show. This year, I was invited to a girly Oscar party that included fondue and pedicures. The hostess is Auzzie's neighbor who I've met a few times. The party was going to be a bunch of women I didn't know and I thought this might be a good opportunity to meet some new people. The night didn't quite live up to my expectations.

It was a situation where most of the people there knew each other except me. I did know Auzzie but she was busy most of the night working on a presentation for today. Since I didn't know Neighbor very well, I felt weird and uncomfortable in her house. At many parties, I end up in the kitchen helping out. This time, there were so many people in the kitchen, I just felt in the way. That changed a bit as the night continued. Most of the girls were big movie watchers and were getting into who was winning what. Me, I'd rather wait for movies to come out on DVD. I didn't mind missing some of the awards.

In the end, it was an ok night but I just didn't click with any of the other women. I thought most of them were around my age (30ish) but one comment made me wonder. We were talking about Sarah Jessica Parker and how she started her career. I said she started out in TV - remember Square Pegs??? This was one of my favorite shows as a kid (I even remember the theme song). NO ONE ELSE IN THE ROOM HAD EVER HEARD OF IT! Fellow bloggers, please say you remember or have at least heard of this TV show from the early 80s. Am I the only geek out there?

I'm taking another shot at making new friends on Tuesday. A new person who I've met a few times is coming to Hip Hop. If that turns out well, I'm going to see if she wants to go to this cooking class thing in April. I'm also starting Ice Skating lessons on Wednesday. I know the basics on skating but have never had a lesson. Hopefully I don't break anything!


  • I remember, I remember. I love Square Pegs but now I sort of feel like one since no one else seemed to have watch it outside of us. I was always rooting for Sara to get the jock guy...geeky girls rule.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 1:26 PM  

  • I was a big fan of Square Pegs! Loved SJP's wavy long locks. I was terribly jealous (but not of the huge Harry Caray style glasses!)

    By Blogger The Writer, at 11:24 AM  

  • You are not alone...I loved Square Pegs too!

    By Blogger Maple, at 11:25 AM  

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