Tosa Tales

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Still tired but...

Doolin is starting to sleep better at night - at least most nights. I think we've even got the nipping under control with the help of a squirt bottle full of Listerine. He not only has stopped nipping, he also has fresh breath! The tiredness is still lingering though. Probably because I'm pregnant.

The word is getting out so I thought I would put it on my blog. We now have a permanent souvenir from our Ireland honeymoon. The baby should make an appearance some time in late January although my guess is February since both B and I were late arrivals. We don't know yet if it's a boy or girl. It is an ongoing debate between B and I as to whether we will even find out or tell other people if we do find out. I'm more than willing to find out the sex and tell everyone. B is not so sure he wants to know and even if we do know, he doesn't want anyone else to know. I don't completely understand the secrecy reasoning so I can't really explain it. All I can say is, boys are weird.

The one downside to being pregnant is a few limitations it invokes. Firecracker won 2 free round trip tickets to Ireland and asked me to go along. I'm very excited about going but disappointed that I won't be able to indulge in all the Guinness that I want. That's one of the best parts about Ireland! There is no such thing as a bad Guinness! Besides, Guinness has lots of iron in it don't you know? Pregnant ladies need iron. Right???
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  • Oh my GOD. Ok so this is really weird...I had a dream about you last night and you were pregnant. When I woke up this morning I thought to myself...I need to go to read her blog. So here I am and there you are all preggy and all. I'm so happy for you and I know without a doubt you are going to be the best mom.

    I'm actually due late December so we'll be close in due dates. Congrats...I think you really are going to be great at this preggy thing. :-)

    You know what...I really miss you.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 1:06 PM  

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