Tosa Tales

Sunday, January 27, 2008

No more daycare!

We have decided to hire a nanny for Miss M. Those stressful incidents at daycare I mentioned earlier haven't improved. Even though I asked the Administrator multiple times about moving Miss M to a new room and that I wanted to be kept in the loop, I showed up on Tuesday and was told by her current teachers that she has now been moved and I need to take her to her new room. No warning. Nothing. I WAS MAD!

I started asking one of her old teachers if they would consider a nanny position. We met up and discussed options and Miss M now has a nanny, Tiffany. I have no worries about putting Miss M in the care of Tiffany. While she was at our house, Miss M only wanted to be held by her. Threw a fit when B tried to distract her in the other room with toys. She just wanted to sit in Tiffany's lap. I also heard yesterday from one of the other teachers that Miss M got upset because she could hear Tiffany's voice in the other room and her new teacher wouldn't let her go see Tiffany.

My only concern about the new nanny situation is my dogs. They can be a bit much to handle. Especially for people who are not used to dogs. Their play wrestling can often escalate into a dog fight if you don't maintain order. I'm not sure if Tiffany can be the Alpha Bitch (as my friend Deb likes to call it). We are trying out a few options that should help Tiffany manage the dogs though. The old squirt bottle of Listerine has been brought out of the closet. It was originally used to curb the nipping when the dogs were puppies. As soon as they try to nip, you squirt some Listerine in their mouth (they hate the taste of it) and they soon stop the nipping. It also helps with the aweful doggy breath.

We've started using it again to stop Onyx from her constant licking and whenever the dogs start wrestling too rough. A couple squirts grab their attention much faster than our raised voices. I've also been revisiting the doggy daycare idea. It would be nice to get them out of the house a few days a week. I've heard some bad things about the place near our house so I'll have to do some research on other options. Maybe it's also time for more obedience classes.

In any case, I'm very excited about our new nanny. It will help with my guilt of leaving Miss M at daycare for so many hours. She sleeps much better at home and will now have that one-on-one attention. It will also make it easier to have baby #2 in the future.


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