Tosa Tales

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Emerald Isle here I come... again

Saturday I set off for Ireland again. Many people have asked why I'm going back so soon after the last trip? Easy... I love visiting Ireland and I got a free plane ticket. Each trip I've taken with a different person and so far have been very different experiences.

Trip #1: Went with my friend NWC. Key interests were meeting locals, checking out live music in the pubs and drinking Guiness. We stayed in hostels which is always a unique experience in itself. NWC is a very social person where as I am a little more shy (although I have my moments especially when Guiness is involved) and I need my 'quiet time'.

Trip #2: Went with my hubby. Key interests were seeing as much of Ireland as possible, finding the scenic route and the path less traveled by and drinking Guiness. B and I are pretty much the same when it comes to social interaction so we didn't meet as many people this trip. Although the people we did meet were unforgettable. Only problem was that B always wants to be on the go while I like to have time to relax and read (quiet time).

Trip #3: Going with long-time friend Firecracker. I'm very excited about checking out some of the nature preserves for a little hiking - something that FC suggested. She has been very understanding that spending every waking moment in a pub may not be fun for a pregnant lady. FC and I are about the same when it comes to social interaction and quiet time so this trip may be a little more balanced than the others.

My only concern is about renting a car. Driving on the opposite side of the road on extremely small roads can be stressful for the driver but I think it's even worse for the passenger. That's the person who sees how close you are coming to that stone wall that runs along most of the roads in Ireland. They are very skimpy on the size of the sholders so you are often inches away from the stone wall while going 50 miles an hour. Definitely white knuckle driving. The plan is for me to be the only driver. I can drive stick which is cheaper and having only one driver is less money. Also, I've seen most of the sights but FC hasn't. Being the passenger will give her a chance to gaze at the scenery and make sure I stop the car when photo opps come up. The photo I loaded for this post was taken while we were driving into Kilarney.

I've warned FC about all the down sides of being a passenger so NO COMPLAINING! I will try to be the best driver possible because I know how difficult it is to be the passenger.
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  • I'm allowed at least one moment to complain, especially if you are driving like a maniac! ;) For some reason I'm not too worried though.

    By Blogger Maple, at 1:42 PM  

  • Hey have a good time. Gosh I can still remember gasping every time we squeezed our way down those narrow streets. Rememeber Cork? Yikes I don't know how people do that every day.

    Sorry no guinness for you this time...but just think, your little bundle of joy will be visiting Ireland in the most snug carryall ever.

    have fun. :-)

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 12:45 PM  

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