Tosa Tales

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dealing better with stress

There have been a few things lately causing me extra stress. Whenever I start obsessing or over analyzing these things I feel the need to reach for food that is not in the current healthy eating plan. For example...

Miss M is getting ready to move to a different room at daycare. Once they become more mobile, the graduate from the infant room. First issue with this move is that the Administrator has not been very forthcoming about the transition plan, timeline, etc for the move. The only reason I even know about the move is from her current teachers. When I have tried to talk to the Administrator about the move, her response has been, "The teachers should not be talking to you about this." If they hadn't, I WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT! It's like the Admin is having her own personal power trip over this move. GRRRRRR.

Second issue is that her current teachers recommended that I do a few surprise visits in the afternoon once Miss M moves to her new room. WHAT?? WHY?? They personally think there are some things going on with the afternoon teacher that shouldn't be but their efforts to report it to the Admin have not had any results. A parent has to place a complaint. This has me VERY worried. I really like Miss M's current teachers and already like her new morning teacher. I incorrectly assumed that there standards applied to ALL the teachers.

This worry has caused me a lot of stress. Should we look for another daycare? Look into hiring a nanny? How would we manage this? Etc... My first reaction to this worry was to reach for a donut (there happened to be one nearby at the time). This is BAD. I knew it was bad at the time but all I could think about was how I could easily justify eating that unhealthy donut.

I came across this article while surfing my favorite food blogs today and hope it will help me along with any others out there that suffer from similar reactions to stress -

Changing your diet to reduce stress. It is all common sense stuff but I needed a refresher course. There were also a few examples mentioned that I didn't know about. Like sweet potatoes are a great comfort food that also help with stress. I know that doesn't help my friend Firecracker who can't even look at a sweet potato without having flashbacks to a miserable experience of harvesting them. However, I happen to really like them. I need to stick more to my healthy eating plan and now sweet potatoes are high on the list (even though they are high in carbs). I'll deal with the carbs if it will help reduce my stress.


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