Tosa Tales

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Food blog whore

I admit it. I am a food blog whore. I have over 20 sites in my favorites and visit them daily to see what new recipes I can drool over. If I was a stay at home mom, I would be cooking all the time (and probably weigh 50 more pounds than I do today). Even though I have way too many cook books, whenever a chance comes up to make something, I search the internet to find a recipe.

For once, I actually made something from one of the blogs I visit. This recipe for Hot Buttered Rum Caramels caught my attention because I love carmel and my friend PIC loves buttered rum things (ice cream for example). When trying to come up with something to give her for the holidays, I decided to make these caramels. 

The first batch was a huge failure. Little did I know that my digital thermometer only went up to 212 degrees and not the 250 needed for the recipe. I ended up with caramel sauce, not candies. Second try worked great! 


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