Tosa Tales

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2007 Recap

I haven't had much to talk about over the last year that didn't involve babies and I didn't want to subject my audience to my mommy talk. Now some things are changing and I'd like to get it out on my blog. But first, a recap of 2007.

  • Little Miss M. was born on Jan 1 and changed our world completely.
  • I (reluctantly) went back to work in April to find that not a lot had been done in my absense. I spent the next 6 months working crazy hours trying to get a few projects completed. Not exactly how I wanted to ease back into things after maternity leave.
  • Went to Toronto in July for a friend's wedding. I got to see a bunch of friends from high school who were also at the wedding and meet up with some other buddies while in town. The down side to that trip was finding out that B's grandma had died. Miss M and I hopped on a plane to get to S. Indiana while B drove the car. I didn't want to drive all that way with a 6 month old. It would have been at least 30 hours in a car over a 5 day period. No thanks.
  • One of my best friends moved back home to Toronto after being just down the street (figuratively) for seven years. Even though I know this was the best thing for Firecracker, I reeeeealy miss being able to visit and talk to her whenever I want.
  • Went to visit Aussie in NYC in October. We had a blast walking all over NYC, just us girls. I was a bit bummed that another friend (PIC) was not able to join me on the trip. Aussie is getting married in March 2009 and PIC and I are already planning a fun bachelorette party in NYC.
  • Went to visit my dad and step-mom in Gulf Shores in November. Miss M and I had a great time and the weather was pretty nice. B however, had an AWEFUL time. It started with the tailgate of our SUV hitting him in the head as we unloaded at the airport for departure (blood, headache, a bit dizzy - NASTY) and escalated to a terrible case of stomach flu that laid him flat on his back for nearly 2 days. He didn't even leave my dad's house until the last day we were there. Poor guy!
  • B quit his job at GE. He has worked there for over 10 years so it is a huge change for him. He is now working at a dental claims company for a friend of his that left GE earlier in the summer. It's a different kind of job for B and I hope it will make him much happier than he was at GE. So far I haven't seen a huge difference in him but it's been less than a month. Learning a new business and new team can be stressful.
  • The year ended with not so much as a hiccup. The holidays were so crazy that as soon as we arrived back home from our travels, all I wanted to do was veg out. A while ago we had made some fun plans with PIC and her hubby but something came up and we had to cancel. Nothing else really sounded half as good so we stayed home. I didn't even stay up to watch the ball drop. My own fault though for being such a lazy bum. This year I will strive to be more social!


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