Tosa Tales

Monday, September 25, 2006

Baby Update

I think I'm at that stage where people who don't already know I'm pregnant are wondering if I'm gaining weight or pregnant. The baby bump isn't that big yet. I find it kind of funny when I say hi to people and they immediately look at my stomach. For some, it almost seems like they expect a creature to pop out at any moment. LOL!

My old clothes don't fit anymore. On the bright side, all my 'fat' clothes are starting to fit again due to my growing belly. This is a good thing because I'm in that transition period where maternity clothes are too big but my pre-pregnancy clothes are too small. I'm glad I kept the fat clothes around!

I went shopping for clothes the other day and I don't think I'll ever go back to that particular store. The sales ladies were so agressive that I wondered if they worked on commission. They also wanted to know your first name - probably to make your shopping experience feel more personalized. I found it a bit creepy.

I ended up finding a few things to buy so headed to the cashier. I was then asked for my phone number (I usually say it's unlisted since I hate telemarketers calling), name, address, due date, email address, whether I'd like to subscribe to a few magazines, and some other stuff that I've tried to forget about. When I asked why they needed my address I was told in case I lost my receipt they can look me up in the system and give me a full refund. From my standpoint, if I lose my receipt it's my fault and I'm perfectly happy to take an instore credit. I'd prefer not to receive any more junk mail than I already get.

The sales lady didn't know what to do. I may be a bit strange for not wanting to give my personal information out but I can't believe I'm the only one. It seemed a bit extreme for just buying a shirt. Between the checkout inquisition and the agressive sales people, I have been frightened away from Destination Maternity. Now that I know most maternity clothes come in S, M, L & XL, why even bother trying most stuff on? I found a great website to buy clothes from. We'll see how it goes. If the online purchases don't work out, I'll have to find some other maternity shops besides Target and the Gap.
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  • Congrats...even though you may not show let whatever you have protrude with maternal pride. What an awesome pic. They've come a long way since my daughter's ultrasound. Get ready that little one grow at an amazing rate.

    By Blogger WoodChuck, at 5:05 PM  

  • Beautiful. Life is an amazing thing isn't it?

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 9:41 AM  

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