Tosa Tales

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good weekend

Overall, this weekend was fun. Went to Cleveland with some girlfriends to visit another friend that had recently moved there. 'Cleveland' just bought a gorgeous house with her boyfriend and did a great job showing us around town. We had sushi on Friday night and stayed up late chatting. Saturday, we went to an art fair, shopping, dinner in Little Italy and some drinks at a wine bar downtown. Sunday, we left Cleveland around 10 and made a quick stop in Chicago at our favorite wine warehouse to restock the cellars.

For the most part, everyone put smiles on their faces and were pleasant. However, I (according to one friend) put a damper on the weekend by bringing up the issue mentioned in previous blogs as we were approaching Milwaukee. Maybe I should have left things alone but I wanted to make it clear why B and I were hurt by their actions (or lack thereof). One person made me feel ridiculous and unwanted for expecting to be included in the event. I was asked, Does that mean I expect to be included in every activity ever planned? Obviously, no. Silly of me to assume that someone I considered a good friend might WANT to include me in the stuff that they do. The other person said that they didn't think we had fun last year and didn't think we would want to go. Maybe if this had been said a few weeks ago instead of keeping things secret, there wouldn't have been so many hurt feelings. Or even honestly saying, you were a grouch last time and we didn't want to include you.

There were many other 'interesting' comments made that I won't go into. Needless to say, B and I will never expect to be included in an activity in the future.

On to more pleasant thoughts... I'm VERY EXCITED about this weekend. I'm going to TO for training and staying the weekend to visit Maple and family. I haven't seen Maple's little boy (besides in pictures) since he was 2 months old. He is now over a year. Also hoping I get to meet up with a few other friends too. Should be fun!


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