Tosa Tales

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tough week

Yes, it's been a while since I posted. A lot has happened but I've not really wanted to talk about it. About the event B and I weren't invited to... According to our 'friends', they didn't think to invite us. B and I find this very hard to believe for various reasons. Even if they didn't think to invite us, that's still not a mark in their favor. Thanks 'friend'. Plus, when discussing the upcoming weekend, both sets of friends avoided mentioning that they were going to this event together. If it was no big deal, why not mention who you are going with?

I could keep ranting but I'll just get pissed off all over again and I don't want to start my day off on a bad note. B and I will eventually get over it but it's left a big scar on the friendship that will probably always be there under the surface.

On to the next drama... my wedding dress. I received a letter in the mail informing me that the company I ordered my dress through has declared bankruptcy. I won't go into the messy details but I've been assured that I will still get my dress. At the very latest, it will be here by September 17th. Still enough time to get it altered.

Alterations lead me to a brighter note... I've been working out with a trainer since April and recently started a diet that she recommended. To date, I have lost 11 lbs and numerous inches! All of my clothes fit nicely again and I can easily get into my 'skinny' jeans. This is what I keep reminding myself when a craving for food creeps up on me. On the down side, no one has asked me if I've lost weight. I think I hide the pounds well so it's not surprising. I haven't seen my family in a while so maybe a comment will be made at my bridal shower.

In any case, I feel great and it was well worth the investment!

This weekend should be interesting. The 'friends' mentioned above and I are heading to Cleveland this weekend to visit a friend that recently moved there. The trip has been planned for a long time and I was really looking forward to the visit. With recent events and comments made in the last week, I not really looking forward to it anymore. I'm almost dreading the 7 hour car ride. Who knows, maybe we will all put a smile on our faces and be extra nice to each other. I'll let you know what happens.

On to something I AM excited about. By chance, I am going to a training course in Toronto next week. This means I get to visit with all my TO buddies. Can't wait to see Maple (also known as Smelly on other blogs) and her family! I miss her and don't talk enough so I'm really looking forward to this trip. Thursday and Friday are in training then I head up to Maple's house for the weekend. Unfortunately, my friend Al is out of town this weekend but I'll get to see her in October when she is in Chicago. Maybe I'll get lucky and hook up with Bam Bam and her mom, another friend I rarely talk to these days. Should be a fun trip!!!


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