Tosa Tales

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

So call me a bitch...

I was talking to an old boss yesterday. One of the funnest jobs I've ever had was framing pictures through college. I even did it part-time for years after I got a "real" job just because I loved the people I worked with. Anyway...I digress.

While talking to the Boss, he mentioned that he occasionally runs into an old buddy of mine. Through college (sorry - another digression), I would have considered Ryno my best friend. As it often happens, he met a girl. The girl and I did not get along. She was a bitchy, control-freak that didn't really like the relationship I had with her boyfriend and I eventually lost touch with Ryno. While we were best buddies, he used to stop by the frame store often so Boss knew him pretty well.

Anyway...while reminiscing with Boss, he mentioned that he ran into Ryno recently at a hockey game. I mentioned that I hadn't talked to him in a long time mainly because I didn't get along with his (now) wife. Boss said, "I can see that. Even after just sitting with them for a half hour drinking a beer, she seemed like a bitch." This somehow made me feel better. You all know those women who the guys like but most women don't. It was nice to hear a guy confirm my opinion.

My next thought was, I wonder if she's now fat? Not a nice thought on my part but I remember she had the potential to become fat back when I knew her. That would just be icing on the cake if I'm still slim and she is now fat. My bitchy thought of the day. :)


  • I remember you talking about that guy and his awful girlfriend now wife. Amazing they are still together, some men are dense.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 10:31 AM  

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