Tosa Tales

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sad news

My grandmother died. It's my dad's mother and she lived to the ripe old age of 92. Grandma K was a great lady up until the end. I haven't seen her much since my parents got divorced over 10 years ago. My sister and I never really wanted to make the trek down to Missouri and we've always been much closer to my mom's side. Given a choice, we always wanted to spend the holidays with mom's family.

I saw Grandma about a month ago at my aunt's funeral. She didn't take my aunt's death very well. It's not something you really expect to happen - outliving your children. I remember my grandma telling me at the funeral that she never expected to live as long as she had. It sounds like she has been declining since then.

Even though it was a sad occasion, I'm glad I got to see her. I would have felt worse about her death if it had been years since I had last seen her. I hope her and Aunt Sandy are having a ball together again up in heaven.


  • I'm sorry sweetie. I hope you're doing okay. Will you be heading down south for the funeral? Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, especially for the stuff for next weekend.

    By Blogger Maple, at 11:20 AM  

  • sorry to hear about your least she had a long happy life.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 12:13 PM  

  • My condolences to you and your family.

    By Blogger That 30's Guy, at 8:29 PM  

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