Tosa Tales

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

C'est la vie

I recently found out that certain friends are leaving Milwaukee. This couple is one that I've mentioned previously because we had some problems over the summer. We found out they had excluded us from an event we thought we would have been included in and then they tried to hide it from us. However, we found out by accident.

At the time, I thought we would get past the hurt feelings and our friendship would get back to normal but things never really improved. In fact, it went steadily downhill. Case in point - I found out they were leaving from a co-worker. It has become uncomfortable to even see them.

I might have been under the mistaken assumption to expect them to be first at extending an olive branch. I'm not one to go where I don't feel welcome. Considering I never really saw any sign of an olive branch, I wasn't planning on risking more hurt feelings by initiating something.

Now they are moving and I must say, I'm a little relieved. It's sad. B has known these people for quite a long time and I've known them since meeting B. Maybe we'll bury the hatchet at the farewell party or it will be the final nail in the coffin. One weird thing about the farewell, I never received the evite. B got it but I didn't even though my name appears on the list of invitees. In the back of my mind, I can hear a little voice saying, "They don't really want you there. Fate is trying to tell you not to go." B is trying to convince me otherwise. We'll see what happens.


  • Sometimes extending an olive branch can be hard because you're afraid your hand will get slapped. I'm sure B's right...they want you there.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 10:27 AM  

  • I say go and have a great time with everyone else who will be there. If they extend an olive branch, then take it otherwise think of it as the last time you have to put up with their BS.

    By Blogger Maple, at 11:28 AM  

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