Tosa Tales

Friday, November 04, 2005

No words of wisdom or great thoughts to share today. Today's been a rather crappy day and I need to escape work for a bit so blogging sounded like a good idea. The morning started with a meeting I was only supposed to attend for the first 10 minutes or so. Instead, I got stuck there for the entire thing. If the meeting topic hadn't been something I've already heard about (in more detail than I wanted to), I wouldn't have minded sticking around. This group of people, however, like to go off on tangents which I find rather annoying. I finally get time to talk about my bit and I get cut short because time is up. Nice. I was invited as a guest speaker and I got cut short.

My next downer was receiving an email from a friend who cannot make it to the reception party. The 3-hour drive to Peoria would be too painful with their almost 2-year old. Granted, I am not a parent and have not had to travel long distances with small children but this seems to be a cop out. Maybe I think it's a cop out because a different friend is traveling 10 hours by car with a very active 18 month old to come to the party (Nub Nu, Mel!). Maybe it's also because this person has not come to any other wedding event I've had to date. I can feel my obsessive analyzing side coming out... Maybe there's a hidden reason why this person isn't coming...

Another downer - sitting in a meeting for 4 hours analyzing what went wrong with a previous meeting and how can we improve for the next one. ARGH! I'm more of a take action type of person. Not one to sit around over-analyzing stuff (I do enough of this with my personal life). These types of meetings drive me bonkers! ESPECIALLY when they get off topic. I'm SOOOOO ready for the weekend.

Guess what I'm doing this weekend? PAINTING! Yes, painting again. Now that the outside is painted, we need to finish the inside. EXCITING!!! Can barely contain myself.


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