Tosa Tales

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gone Tribal

I spent most of this weekend with my family (aka. the tribe). Since B and I went to U of I for a recruiting event, we decided to swing by mom's for a visit. It was also a belated birthday celebration for my mom.

Friday, I ended up working from a nearby cafe that had free wireless. Mom only has dial-up and I can't handle a connection that slow. Way too impatient. The wireless was still not as fast as home or work but it was definitely better than dial-up. I think back now and wonder how I ever got any work done from home on a dial-up connection. It probably explains why I didn't get into working from home until after I got a cable modem. Yes, I'm an internet connection snob.

Saturday, I made chocolate mousse for the birthday dinner and helped my mom take care of my nieces. My sister had to work (it's tax season) and the boys went to look for paint samples and supplies. I found out later that they spent most of the day at BW3's eating wings and drinking beer. Since he lives with a bunch of females, I think my brother-in-law deserved some time off for male bonding.

The rest of the tribe showed up later that day for the birthday feast. Unfortunately, we were a little bit slow getting the pork loin in the oven so we decided to eat everything else while the pork continued to cook. Luckily, it finished cooking just as we polished off the mashed potatoes and green beans. In hind sight, we should have just started with dessert!

Sunday we checked out the new house my sister is building. They are trying to decide on paint colors. This lead to us offering to help out with painting (something that I would have REALLY appreciated during our house renovations). Now we are going back to Peoria next weekend to splatter some walls with color. Not sure I'm real excited about this but I want to help out.


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