Tosa Tales

Monday, January 30, 2006

Where do I start?

So many little things have happened lately. I'm not really sure where to start...

Most of you know I'll be starting a new job soon (but not soon enough). I will miss many of the people I work with but considering that I'm staying with the same company, I know I'll see them around. Last week we all gathered for a team holiday party (a little delayed, I know). We all gathered together for dinner at Benihana followed by a MKE Admirals hockey game. During dinner, my teammates suprised me with a little Roast. They reminded me of some of my achievements and failures along with exposing some of my quirky side to the entire team. It was nice to know I'll be missed.

Another office-related event - a co-worker was fired. Well, at least we think he was fired. The General (my company) has a policy of being very hush-hush when someone is let go. However, when someone is gone without any notice and no one will say why, it means they were fired. It's sad because none of us got to say goodbye to a friend. We tried to call him but he had a company cell phone which was probably handed over as part of the firing process. I must say, curiosity is killing this cat. Everyone is speculating about why he was fired, but no one knows for sure.

On the lighter side of things, I talked to my friend Mel last week. I knew her due date was coming up but couldn't remember the exact date. I've been meaning to call her since Christmas but it was one of those things that I think about at work but forget when I get home. I was able to remember on that day because I found out earlier that the new lead singer for INXS is from the same town I went to high school in (we call it Jokeville) AND he is only a month older than me. I immediately started wondering if we went to the same high school. Found out that he really grew up in a nearby town but now lives in Jokeville. I had to share this news with my fellow Jokevillians.

BTW, Mel's c-section is scheduled for this Thursday (EXCITING!). I am anxiously awaiting the news of mini-Mel.

Last thing before I get to work. While checking out some new blogs, I came across a blog that has been nominated for a Bloggie. I instantly became curious. I started browsing through the other nominees and found some great new blogs. This blog business can become addicting. It is part of my morning routine to come into work, go through my emails, read my CNN newsletter and check out my favorite blogs. Now my morning routine is taking longer and longer to complete. I have a feeling this will change with the new job. I already know I will be much busier than my current boring job. My day just doesn't seem to start out right without reading some blogs! It's like my morning caffeine! Guess I'll have to start logging in at night before going to bed (usually not something I like to do since I'm on the computer ALL DAY). What's a blogger to do?


  • Oh my you are from the same town as Jaydee fortune...or however you spell his name. Well he's cute but arrogant and I'm sure not all jokevillians are not like him. At least he can sing. :-)

    I hope when you start your new job you can still blog....I'd have to go to rehab to stop.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 1:43 PM  

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