Tosa Tales

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What to write?

I can't really think of anything to write about. There are some minor things that have happened lately so I guess I'll start there.

My body has been failing me. A pulled muscle in my back and a pinched nerve in my hip have slowed me down a bit (whine). They are getting better though thanks to my friendly Chiropracter.

B and I finally booked our flight for our official honeymoon. No time or money to do it last year so we are doing it in May. Twelve days in Ireland. I was there on vacation many years ago with a girlfriend and we had lots of fun so I'm really looking forward to going back. B has never been there but always wanted to go. And I've received lots of recommendations on places to go and things to do from various friends, so it should be a great trip.

In my effort to meet other people outside of work, I'm organizing a dinner out with my trainer Brit and her husband. I've met her husband (I'll call him Chef) because he often works out at the gym and will stop by and chat for a bit. He seems like a really nice guy. I thought about inviting them over for dinner but Brit's hubby is a chef. Not just any chef either. He actually worked for Princess Diana when Brit & Chef were still living in England. I do love to cook but I'm definitely not up to royal standards. I would be too paranoid to cook for him.

Instead, we are meeting on neutral ground. There is a great little Italian restaurant that B and I love. We are going to go there and then maybe drinks somewhere fun afterwards. Hopefully B and Chef will hit it off because Brit can make me laugh until my sides hurt. I love that in a person.

I went ice skating on Sunday with Auzzie and another girl from work. I haven't been in a while and I've decided that I need to go more often. It's something that I love to do but never think to do it. It's also sometimes hard to find a skating partner. Well, Auzzie is now in love with skating so I think I now have a willing partner. She also wants to start taking skating lessons which I'm definitely up for. My week is now starting to get crowded with activities between working out, hip hop dance and now skating. I'd also like to learn how to make pottery (a Christmas gift I got) and take my dog to training classes. Being busy is good thing but I'm missing out on some B time (and ME time). I think I'll have to put some things off until the schedule opens up a bit.


  • Oh you are so lucky going back to Ireland...I can't wait to take Alice once she's a little older.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 9:41 AM  

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