Tosa Tales

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Surrounded by Pink

B and I were in Peoria this weekend helping out my sister with her new house. They are doing the painting and tiling and not a lot of time to do it. We offered up our slave labor for the weekend. B laid cement board with my BIL and I painted along with my cousin, another volunteer slave.

Overall, I enjoyed myself. B and I both agreed that it is more relaxing to work on someone else's house. No responsibility, worries or stress because it not your house! I also got to spend some quality chat time with my cousin. It's rare that we are together on our own. Often, there are other family members with us. Because my sister had to work on Saturday morning (it's tax season you know) and my mom was watching my nieces, my cousin and I were the only one's painting.

It's times like these when I really miss being away from my family. I left Peoria because there weren't many opportunities for the job I wanted. I spent most of my younger years living far away from family so I'm kind of used to it. But getting used to it doesn't mean you like it.

About pink... My sister (for some demented reason) let her 3 1/2 year old pick out the color for her bedroom. It had to be pink. VERY PINK. Looks like someone went in the room and threw Peto Bismo on the wall. But, mini-A LOVES IT. My mom brought the girls over on Sunday afternoon and mini-A started dancing all over the place in glee. We are all hoping that by adding some furniture and neutral drapes, it will calm down the pink. If not, people will need sunglasses to enter.


  • Pepto-pink...I love it! I can only imagine the look on her face when she first walked into the room. I remember being young and loving pink too, but thankfully I came to my senses (at least for paint colours).

    By Blogger Maple, at 10:06 AM  

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