Tosa Tales

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Emerald Isle here I come... again

Saturday I set off for Ireland again. Many people have asked why I'm going back so soon after the last trip? Easy... I love visiting Ireland and I got a free plane ticket. Each trip I've taken with a different person and so far have been very different experiences.

Trip #1: Went with my friend NWC. Key interests were meeting locals, checking out live music in the pubs and drinking Guiness. We stayed in hostels which is always a unique experience in itself. NWC is a very social person where as I am a little more shy (although I have my moments especially when Guiness is involved) and I need my 'quiet time'.

Trip #2: Went with my hubby. Key interests were seeing as much of Ireland as possible, finding the scenic route and the path less traveled by and drinking Guiness. B and I are pretty much the same when it comes to social interaction so we didn't meet as many people this trip. Although the people we did meet were unforgettable. Only problem was that B always wants to be on the go while I like to have time to relax and read (quiet time).

Trip #3: Going with long-time friend Firecracker. I'm very excited about checking out some of the nature preserves for a little hiking - something that FC suggested. She has been very understanding that spending every waking moment in a pub may not be fun for a pregnant lady. FC and I are about the same when it comes to social interaction and quiet time so this trip may be a little more balanced than the others.

My only concern is about renting a car. Driving on the opposite side of the road on extremely small roads can be stressful for the driver but I think it's even worse for the passenger. That's the person who sees how close you are coming to that stone wall that runs along most of the roads in Ireland. They are very skimpy on the size of the sholders so you are often inches away from the stone wall while going 50 miles an hour. Definitely white knuckle driving. The plan is for me to be the only driver. I can drive stick which is cheaper and having only one driver is less money. Also, I've seen most of the sights but FC hasn't. Being the passenger will give her a chance to gaze at the scenery and make sure I stop the car when photo opps come up. The photo I loaded for this post was taken while we were driving into Kilarney.

I've warned FC about all the down sides of being a passenger so NO COMPLAINING! I will try to be the best driver possible because I know how difficult it is to be the passenger.
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Monday, August 28, 2006

I did it

I found the courage to go to the party on Thursday night. I got a message from Bachelorette towards the end of the working day saying the event was moving to a new location due to rain and she was really hoping I'd still be able to come. It twisted the knife a bit and made me feel like a wimp for thinking about not going. Plus, I had already bought a gift for her and this would be the only chance to give it to her. And anyway, why should I let Mrs. S prevent me from seeing a friend?

I was pretty late getting there. Got stuck at work later than planned, the vet called to say that Doolin tested positive for some intestinal bug and they had medicine waiting for him. Once that was all sorted out, I called Bachelorette to get directions and headed out still dreading what lied ahead. I called Firecracker for a little pep talk. She was predicting that Mrs. S wouldn't even talk to me. I thought that might be a stretch but Firecracker pointed out that she's never had the guts to tell me directly how she feels, just been playing these games behind my back. Good point. This may be less painful that I thought.

Well... I arrive at my destination. Bachelorette greeted me at the door and we started chatting right away. I was immediately glad I had come to see her. I handed her my gift and we started talking about what's been going on right there in the entry way. We eventually move a bit into the living room and I glance around the room to see who is there. There is Mrs. S and Joo sitting next to each other chatting. Bachelorette and I stay pretty much where we started off at and continue talking. A few of the other ladies there say hi and one even joins the conversation. Never even saw Mrs. S glance my way. She sat facing Joo the entire time. How grown up is that? LOL!

About a half hour later, I notice Mrs. S getting up to leave (still not looking in my direction). Instead of walking straight to the door (that would have meant she would have to walk right by me) she goes into the kitchen and to the front door that way. Maybe she had to get something in the kitchen, I don't know. But it was one more thing that made me laugh.

I stayed for a while longer, chatting with Bachelorette and her friend. Joo joined the conversation briefly when asked a question but that was it. Everyone started to get ready to leave so I departed also. As soon as I got in the car, I called Firecracker to let her know that her prediction had come true. Mrs. S never talked to (or looked at) me while I was there. I would have made an effort to be nice to Mrs. S for the sake of Bachelorette but instead she decided to ignore me. Instead of being hurt, it actually made me laugh.

I'm glad I didn't go to any of the other events. It's the Bachelorette's weekend, not a time for me and Mrs. S to deal with our issues or cause unnecessary tention. Too bad Mrs. S couldn't realize that.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


This weekend there are some bachelorette events for a friend of mine. Last year she moved to Cleveland and I haven't seen or really talked to her since my bachelorette party over a year ago. I received an invite for her bachelorette events a while ago but had mixed feelings about it.

Reason #1: I found out that Mrs. Seattle will be back in town and attending most of the events. GAH! I was happy to see the last of her when she moved last year. One of the reason's was due to her telling a good friend of mine that she couldn't be friends with me because my husband doesn't like babies (and that effects our friendship how?). You'll have to read previous blogs for more details.

Reason #2: I made a trip out to visit the Bachelorette last August with Mrs. Seattle and Joo when I was still hurting from their (Mrs. S and Joo) lying/keeping a secret from B and I about a trip they made. At the end of the trip, I finally got up the courage to confront them about how much their actions had hurt us only to be accused of ruining the weekend. I don't want to have any negative impact on Bachelorette's weekend (which may happen if I get fed up and tell Mrs. S to shove it where the sun don't shine).

Reason #3: I am now pregnant. I'm not really showing yet but I'm pretty sure Joo has heard so it will get out. I don't want to hear any comments from Mrs. Seattle on however will my husband be able to handle a baby?

Reason #4: Hitting the bars with a bunch of girls bent on getting drunk is not as fun when you can't drink at all. Especially when you don't know 90% of the other girls.

My RSVP to the events was that I might be able to make it to Jazz in the Park tonight but I can't make it to the other events this weekend. Maybe the truth is that I'm just avoiding conflict and/or hurt feelings but I don't really want to go. Besides the Bachelorette, there is no one else I really want to see. Maybe I'm undecided and feeling guilty because I'm taking the easy way out.

We'll see later today if I have enough courage to face the lions tonight. Right now, it's not looking good.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Still tired but...

Doolin is starting to sleep better at night - at least most nights. I think we've even got the nipping under control with the help of a squirt bottle full of Listerine. He not only has stopped nipping, he also has fresh breath! The tiredness is still lingering though. Probably because I'm pregnant.

The word is getting out so I thought I would put it on my blog. We now have a permanent souvenir from our Ireland honeymoon. The baby should make an appearance some time in late January although my guess is February since both B and I were late arrivals. We don't know yet if it's a boy or girl. It is an ongoing debate between B and I as to whether we will even find out or tell other people if we do find out. I'm more than willing to find out the sex and tell everyone. B is not so sure he wants to know and even if we do know, he doesn't want anyone else to know. I don't completely understand the secrecy reasoning so I can't really explain it. All I can say is, boys are weird.

The one downside to being pregnant is a few limitations it invokes. Firecracker won 2 free round trip tickets to Ireland and asked me to go along. I'm very excited about going but disappointed that I won't be able to indulge in all the Guinness that I want. That's one of the best parts about Ireland! There is no such thing as a bad Guinness! Besides, Guinness has lots of iron in it don't you know? Pregnant ladies need iron. Right???
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Friday, August 04, 2006


This seems to be my constant state lately. Also, I have a new role in life - referee. The dogs play almost non-stop until I or B intervene when it gets a bit too rough. Both of the dogs are instigators so you can't discipline them easily. There are times when we have to put one of them in a crate just to have a little down time (and peace & quiet). I'm very happy that they get along (for the most part). The main reason we got another dog was to give our older dog, Onyx, a playmate. Onyx has a new mission in life. Take away any toy/bone that Doolin has and tease him with it until he chases her. It's either this game or wrestling - constantly!

The first week we had Doolin, I was amazed that he slept through the night. It didn't last long. The past 3 nights, he has been waking up at 4am (UGH!). One of us takes him outside then we put him back in his crate and try go back to sleep. Unfortunately, Doolin is wide awake and ready to start the day. The crying and scratching at his crate door keeps all of us awake until the alarm goes off. We are determined not to give in to his demands though. We are strong! We are the boss! WE ARE TIRED!

He is extremely cute though. I haven't been able to cuddle much with him because he is still nipping at everything. So much so that we have nick-named him the Snapping Turtle. I know he will eventually outgrow this but I worry that all the rough housing with Onyx promotes the nipping. Time will tell. In the meantime, I will continue to snuggle with him and just try to avoid the chompers.