Tosa Tales

Monday, August 28, 2006

I did it

I found the courage to go to the party on Thursday night. I got a message from Bachelorette towards the end of the working day saying the event was moving to a new location due to rain and she was really hoping I'd still be able to come. It twisted the knife a bit and made me feel like a wimp for thinking about not going. Plus, I had already bought a gift for her and this would be the only chance to give it to her. And anyway, why should I let Mrs. S prevent me from seeing a friend?

I was pretty late getting there. Got stuck at work later than planned, the vet called to say that Doolin tested positive for some intestinal bug and they had medicine waiting for him. Once that was all sorted out, I called Bachelorette to get directions and headed out still dreading what lied ahead. I called Firecracker for a little pep talk. She was predicting that Mrs. S wouldn't even talk to me. I thought that might be a stretch but Firecracker pointed out that she's never had the guts to tell me directly how she feels, just been playing these games behind my back. Good point. This may be less painful that I thought.

Well... I arrive at my destination. Bachelorette greeted me at the door and we started chatting right away. I was immediately glad I had come to see her. I handed her my gift and we started talking about what's been going on right there in the entry way. We eventually move a bit into the living room and I glance around the room to see who is there. There is Mrs. S and Joo sitting next to each other chatting. Bachelorette and I stay pretty much where we started off at and continue talking. A few of the other ladies there say hi and one even joins the conversation. Never even saw Mrs. S glance my way. She sat facing Joo the entire time. How grown up is that? LOL!

About a half hour later, I notice Mrs. S getting up to leave (still not looking in my direction). Instead of walking straight to the door (that would have meant she would have to walk right by me) she goes into the kitchen and to the front door that way. Maybe she had to get something in the kitchen, I don't know. But it was one more thing that made me laugh.

I stayed for a while longer, chatting with Bachelorette and her friend. Joo joined the conversation briefly when asked a question but that was it. Everyone started to get ready to leave so I departed also. As soon as I got in the car, I called Firecracker to let her know that her prediction had come true. Mrs. S never talked to (or looked at) me while I was there. I would have made an effort to be nice to Mrs. S for the sake of Bachelorette but instead she decided to ignore me. Instead of being hurt, it actually made me laugh.

I'm glad I didn't go to any of the other events. It's the Bachelorette's weekend, not a time for me and Mrs. S to deal with our issues or cause unnecessary tention. Too bad Mrs. S couldn't realize that.


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